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Scientists are responsible for their own medical needs and we require that you have an insurance policy when working in the reserve. Please inform the reserve administrator of any pre-existing medical condition or allergy that may affect medical treatment. Michelin will help with emergency evacuations to local hospitals (Igrapiúna and Ituberá), but assumes no further responsibility for the health of researchers.

In the case of medical emergencies try to contact the reserve personnel as soon as possible as they have cell phones and can call for help. Register the telephone numbers of all reserve personnel and the plantation security on your cell phone before beginning your study. Cell phone coverage is problematic in the Pacangê Forest and for scientists working there we require that they use the Vivo phone service as it is the only service that has reception in this forest and in parts of the Setor Sul. In the rest of the reserve, the Claro phone service is adequate.

For you own security take these measures

  • Always carry a first aid kit, a flashlight and a cell phone. Cell phone reception depends on the locale, so if you cannot get a signal, try to climb the nearest hill and call from there. Test cell phone reception in multiple locales on your first visit and mark these places on your map.

  • Carry a map of the reserve and the forests you are working in at all times. Learn the trail names so that in the case of the emergency you can state your location accurately.

  • It is important to make sure that the reserve administration knows your whereabouts, especially when working alone or sleeping in the forest, so that we know where to search for you if you suffer an accident.

  • When you schedule your visit with the administrator, let him know which forests you will be working in and your work schedule.

  • Leave a contact number with the administrator for us to call in case of an emergency.

  • Make sure you register all of the phone numbers listed below on your cell phone before you begin your first day of fieldwork.

Phone numbers to store on your cell phone:

  • André Santos, reserve administrator: 73-98102-7942

  • Everaldo, head of plantation security: 73-98117-0110

  • Paulo, head of plantation clinic: 73-98102-4685

  • Security Portaria 1 (security headquarters): 73-3256-8033 and 98106-4471 (24 hrs)

  • Security Portaria 2: 73-98211-4394 (24 hrs)

  • Val, forest guard: 73-98148-2867

  • Camilo, forest guard: 73-98106-3528

  • Max, forest guard: 73 98106-7775

  • Nido, forest guard: 73-98148-3128

  • Rosivan, forest guard: 73-98138-9756

  • Kevin Flesher, Director of reserve: 73-98133-5359

  • Plantações Michelin da Bahia main office: 73-3256-8000